Type Funded
Start Date 1986-00-00
Goods BEGINNINGS: CARNEGIE FORUM ON EDUCATION, A NATION PREPARED, NATIONAL ALLIANCE FOR RESTRUCTURING EDUCATION NCEE began as the Carnegie Forum on Education and the Economy, a program of Carnegie Corporation of New York, in 1985. Carnegie Corporation created the Forum to focus attention on the important changes taking place in the global economy and the implications for education in the nation’s elementary and secondary schools. In June of 1986, the Forum released what came to be called the Carnegie Report, formally A Nation Prepared: Teachers for the 21st Century. The report focused on the need to greatly upgrade and professionalize the American teaching force, to fundamentally change the nature of the education system to take advantage of a professionalized teaching force and to base that new system on higher standards for both students and teachers. It recommended the development of a national system of academic achievement standards for students and the creation of a National Board for Professional Teaching Standards as a first step in the process of professionalizing teaching. The staff of the Forum spent the next year creating the new National Board and its director, Marc Tucker, served as its first president.
Updated over 5 years ago

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