Start Date 2011-00-00
Notes Also in November 2011, NCEE established the Center on International Education Benchmarking. The Center expanded NCEE’s continuing program of comparative research on effective education systems and developed a comprehensive web portal designed to enable people all over the world to more easily access information, analysis and opinion about the strategies used by the countries with the world’s most successful education systems. Since its inception, CIEB has undertaken, funded and published groundbreaking research from some of the world’s foremost education researchers and leaders including: An international comparative study of teaching quality in top-performing systems lead by Linda Darling-Hammond of Stanford University; An international comparative study of early childhood education by Sharon Lynn Kagan of Columbia University’s Teachers College; International studies on school leadership, effective professional development and developing subject matter expertise in elementary school teachers by noted Australian researcher Ben Jensen; A report on Shanghai’s vaunted teacher development system by system architect, former Shanghai Normal University President and former Shanghai Education Commission Deputy Director Minxuan Zhang; A comparative study of vocational education and training systems in Singapore, China and Switzerland; and An international comparative study of instructional systems by Tina Isaacs of the Institute of Education at the University of London.
Updated over 5 years ago

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