Title Founder
Start Date 2014-00-00
Is Current yes
Notes Child Advocate Company NameAll Children Thrive with Opportunity Dates Employed2014 – Present Employment Duration5 yrs LocationBaltimore Maryland The company name and position are made up because those are the slots that need to be filled in for linkedin. I decided last year to work independently on advocacy efforts that I believe to be most important. Currently I am involved in two major efforts. One is to help build a statewide advocacy effort to support a new funding formula that produces adequate funding that will result in all children being prepared for appropriate post-secondary education, the skills to engage in a career that includes a living wage and the skills to practice good citizenship. The formula would include three and four year old full day prekindergarten programs, the designation of every school with 40% or more low income children as a Community School. and strategies that will result in higher quality teachers and principals. The other significant area of advocacy is helping build a new faith-based justice initiative at my church Memorial Episcopal. Our initial "campaign" was focused on the mayoral and city council races in the spring, 2016. After the "unrest" in Baltimore in last year, the elections provide a pivotal opportunity for new leadership. The three areas of major focus going forward are: 1. the reconstruction of the criminal justice system beginning with pretrial bail; the school funding formula; and an immigration justice initiative. See less
Updated over 5 years ago