Contributor Eduworks Software
Project Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT)
Notes IFT Collaborators U.S. Army Research Laboratory - Human Research & Engineering Directorate (ARL-HRED) Learning in Intelligent Tutoring Environments (LITE) Lab U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences U.S. Office of the Secretary of Defense - Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative University of Memphis Institute for Intelligent Systems Columbia University Teachers College Engineering and Computer Simulations (ECS) GIFT Contributors Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Aptima Charles River Analytics CHI Systems Design Interactive Dignitas Technologies, LLC Eduworks Georgia Institute of Technology School of Interactive Computing Iowa State University Virtual Reality Applications Center (VRAC) North Carolina State University Department of Computer Science Office of Naval Research Problem Solutions SoarTech SRI International - Princeton University of Central Florida - Applied Cognition & Training in Immersive Virtual Environments (ACTIVE) Lab University of Central Florida Team Performance Laboratory Vanderbilt University School of Engineering GIFT Advisors Learner Modeling Advisory Board Vincent Aleven,Carnegie Mellon University Ryan Baker, Columbia University Keith Brawner, ARL Win Burleson, Arizona State University Scott Douglass, Air Force Resesearch Laboratory Dexter Fletcher,Institute for Defense Analysis Benjamin Goldberg, ARL Art Graesser, University of Memphis Heather Holden, ARL Xiangen Hu, University of Memphis Ken Koedinger, Carnegie Mellon University Alan Lesgold, University of Pittsburgh James Lester, North Carolina State University Tanja Mitrovic, University of Canterbury NZ Rod Nielsen, University of Colorado Boulder Andrew Olney, University of Memphis Ray Perez, Office of Naval Research Robby Robson, Eduworks Vasile Rus, University of Memphis Val Shute, Florida State University Anne Sinatra, ARL Robert Sottilare, ARL Kurt VanLehn, Arizona State University Bev Woolf, University of Massachusetts - Amherst Instructional Management Advisory Board Ivon Arroyo, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Ryan Baker, Columbia University Gautam Biswas, Vanderbilt University Keith Brawner, ARL Sidney D’Mello, University of Notre Dame Scott Douglass, Air Force Research Laboratory Paula Durlach, Army Research Institute and OSD ADL Initiative Dexter Fletcher, Institute for Defense Analyses Benjamin Goldberg, ARL Art Graesser, University of Memphis Michael Hoffman, Dignitas Technologies Heather Holden, ARL Xiangen Hu, University of Memphis Susanne Lajoie, McGill University Alan Lesgold, University of Pittsburgh James Lester, North Carolina State University Chip Morrison, University of Memphis Andrew Olney, University of Memphis Charlie Ragusa, Dignitas Technologies Steve Ritter, Carnegie Learning Ido Roll, University of British Columbia Vasile Rus, University of Memphis Wolfgang Schnotz, Universität Koblenz-Landau Anne Sinatra, ARL Robert Sottilare, ARL Michael Young, North Carolina State University Authoring Tools Advisory Board | Vincent Aleven, Carnegie Mellon University Art Graesser, University of Memphis Neil Heffernan, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Paula Durlach, Advanced Distributed Learning Wayne Ward, University of Colorado, Boulder Tom Murray, Hampshire College/University of Massachusetts Anne Sinatra, Oak Ridge Associated Laboratories (ARL) James Lester, North Carolina State Ben Nye, University of Memphis David Shaffer, University of Wisconsin Marcia Linn, University of California, Berkley Charlie Ragusa, Dignitas Technologies Keith Brawner, Army Research Laboratory Stephen Blessing, University of Tampa Andrew Olney, University of Memphis Turadg Aleahmad, Coursera Ken Koedinger, Carnegie Mellon University Heather Holden, Army Research Laboratory Chad Lane, Institute of Creative Technologies Phil Pavlik, University of Memphis Diego Zapata-Rivera, Educational Testing Service Danielle McNamara, Arizona State University Robert Sottilare, Army Research Laboratory Lewis Johnson, Alelo Corp. Marko Westphal, German Navy (ARL) Christopher Metevier, Army Research Laboratory Stephen Gilbert, Iowa State University Joseph Cohn, Office of the Secretary of Defense Andre Mayers, University of Sherbrooke Alex Games, Microsoft Learning/Engagement Division Benjamin Goldberg, Army Research Laboratory | instructional.strategies.advisory.board-2013.jpg - GIFT Instructional Strategies Advisory Board (208 KB) Ragusa, Charlie, 07/25/2013 01:56 PM instructional.strategies.advisory.board-2013-new.png (664 KB) Brawner, Keith, 10/04/2013 01:54 PM learner.modeling.advisory.board-2012.png (216 KB) Brawner, Keith, 10/04/2013 02:05 PM learner.modeling.advisory.board-2012-new.png (707 KB) Brawner, Keith, 10/04/2013 02:07 PM (474 KB) Brawner, Keith, 06/17/2014 02:13 PM
Updated over 5 years ago

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