Used by Efforts to Outcomes Software
Uses U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Notes Efforts to Outcomes (ETO™) Software Tool of Choice for State MIECHV Initiatives Social Solutions BALTIMORE, MD – Social Solutions, Inc., the leading provider of performance management software for human and social services, is pleased to announce that Efforts to Outcomes (ETO™) software has been selected by multiple states to deliver outcomes oriented systems of care in support of their Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) initiatives. MIECHV is a federal grant program designed to impact health and development outcomes through 8 approved, evidence-based home visiting programs, including Nurse-Family Partnership® (NFP), Parents as Teachers, Healthy Families America and Early Headstart Home Visiting. To date, five states have formally chosen Social Solutions, the only performance management software provider to have experience implementing each of the evidenced-based programs, at a continuing pace of 2-3 state projects each month. Both development and expansion projects have found value in the ways in which ETO software supports managing multiple models in a single system and supports continuous quality improvement within and across programs. Among the earliest states to demonstrate their commitment to measuring outcomes and improving effectiveness through performance management were Alabama, Arkansas, California, Florida and Georgia. “Highly-effective MIECHV programs will be those that employ outcomes measurement for reporting and employ effective performance management processes at the point of service to continually improve care quality,” said Matt Schubert, General Manager of the Public Sector Team at Social Solutions. “We at Social Solutions are proud to support states’ efforts to gain this visibility into program effectiveness and empower frontline staff to participate in continuous quality improvement with their daily efforts. We’re also encouraged by the growing number of states coming back to us to expand their early childhood systems of care in light of early MIECHV results.” About Social Solutions Social Solutions is the leading provider of performance management software for human services, connecting efforts to outcomes, people to social services, and service providers and communities to funders. The company’s Efforts to Outcomes (ETO™) software goes beyond case management, and enables public, private, and nonprofit organizations, such as Nurse Family Partnership, the Harlem Children’s Zone®, Catholic Charities, Annie E. Casey Foundation, HUD, and cities such as Boston and Hartford to collaborate, save time, and improve service quality and effectiveness. Thousands of service providers, collaboratives, funders, evaluators, and government organizations use ETO software as they work with over 4 million participants each day.
Updated almost 6 years ago

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