Type Funder
Start Date 2017-05-00
Goods 1. Program Description 1.1. Program Overview In 2016, United Way of Central Indiana (United Way) received a multi-year Social Innovation Fund (SIF) grant from the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) to serve as an intermediary grantmaking organization that will identify, support, and monitor nonprofit organizations to implement the Great Families 2020 Program. (See application at www.uwci.org/greatfamilies2020.) United Way was approved for a 5-year award and initially funded for three years at $7 million. Funding for years four and five are contingent upon performance and Congressional appropriations. This subaward competition is open to eligible 501(c)(3) nonprofit human service organizations currently serving or with the capacity to serve one or more of the following targeted low-income urban neighborhoods in Indianapolis: • Near Westside • Northwest/Midtown • Near Eastside • Far Eastside • Northeast The Social Innovation Fund (SIF), a key White House initiative and CNCS program, combines public and private resources to grow the impact of innovative, community-based solutions that have compelling evidence of improving the lives of people in low-income communities throughout the United States. SIF was founded on the fundamental idea that we can make enormous progress towards overcoming the nation’s most significant challenges by finding and growing promising solutions with evidence of effectiveness. (For further information on SIF, see www.uwci.org/greatfamilies2020).
Updated over 5 years ago

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