Goods |
Ascend at the Aspen Institute thanks the 2012-2013 Ascend Fellows for their ongoing thoughtful contributions concerning two-generation approaches. We extend a special thanks to everyone interviewed for this publication. We also thank the attendees of the September 2013 Aspen Institute Forum on Innovations in Early Childhood: Opportunities for Two-Generation Approaches, who provided thoughtful feedback on a draft of this publication.
Ascend at the Aspen Institute is grateful for the support of our philanthropic partners, including W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The Kresge Foundation, Annie E. Casey Foundation, and Green Mountain Coffee Roasters as well as an innovative group of women philanthropists, including Patrice King Brickman, Merle Chambers (Chambers Family Fund), Siobhan Davenport (Rocksprings Foundation), Ann Friedman (Ann B. and Thomas L. Friedman Family Foundation), and Charlotte Perret. |