Michelle Murphy has/had a position (Panelist, Diverse Talent) at Workforce of Tomorrow 2019

Title Panelist, Diverse Talent
Start Date 2019-05-00
Notes BRIDGING THE GAP: DEVELOPING A DIVERSE TALENT POOL 11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m., Ballroom Women remain vastly underrepresented in corporate America, accounting for only about 1 in 5 senior leaders, with little progress to show in the last few years, according to a 2018 study by McKinsey and LeanIn.org. Black and Hispanic professionals continue to be similarly lacking in representation, and they often face significant employment and wage gaps. Recruiting, retaining and advancing more women, people of color, veterans and other underrepresented populations is a key priority for many organizations, and research demonstrates that doing so can have a wide range of cultural, financial and other benefits. Success requires a multifaceted approach, including K-12 and college outreach programs, engaging with professional societies and affinity groups, and enhancing mentoring and professional development programs. This session will offer an in-depth look at some of the latest research on the diversity gap as well as solutions-oriented approaches to closing it in education and industry. REMARKS –Byron G. Auguste, D.Phil., Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Opportunity@Work REMARKS –Bill Taylor, Vice President, Outreach and Partnership Development, NAF REMARKS –Charles Eaton, Chief Executive Officer, Creating IT Futures; Executive Vice President, Social Innovation, CompTIA PANEL: Broadening Participation in the Workforce: A Roundtable on Diversity –Rosanna Durruthy, Head of Global Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging, LinkedIn –Lorraine Hariton, President and Chief Executive Officer, Catalyst –Michelle Murphy, Vice President, Diversity & Inclusion and Global Talent Acquisition, Ingersoll Rand –Kimberly Churches, Chief Executive Officer, American Association of University Women (moderator)
Updated almost 6 years ago