Peter Cove has/had a position (Co-Founder) at America Works

Title Co-Founder
Notes Peter Cove Co-founded America Works Of New York Inc. Mr. Cove is a social activist and businessman, is one of the nation's leading advocates for private solutions to welfare dependency. During his 28-year career, he has been at the forefront of innovative demonstration projects designed to mitigate poverty by promoting jobs as a solution to welfare dependency. Mr. Cove began his career in the mid-Sixties, as the nation's conscience turned to poverty issues. After holding key posts in New York City municipal government, he worked for The Community Action Agency in Boston, where he developed grass-roots health, housing and education programs. Later he served as a consultant with Manpower Assistance Project, Inc. He was also a program officer at the New World Foundation in New York City, funding innovative programs in civil rights and education. With a developing expertise in jobs creation as the solution to social imbalances, Mr. Cove became Director of the Manhattan Project for Wildcat Service Corp., a program geared to the hard-core unemployable. From 1976 to 1983, he served as President of Transitional Employment Enterprises. Inc. In experimenting with alternate approaches to training, he created millions of dollars' worth of private-sector investment for what would otherwise have been a fully government-funded endeavor. Mr. Cove has appeared on national television and has been quoted in major newspapers, business and public affairs publications. He has testified on aspects of unemployment before Congressional committees in the House and Senate. In 1995 The Entrepreneur Of The Year Institute gave Mr. Cove its distinguished Socially Responsible Entrepreneur Of The Year award for his achievements with America Works. Mr. Cove holds a BA in sociology from Northeastern University. .
Updated about 5 years ago

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