Co-conspirator Adex Management
Co-conspirator Olympian Strategic Development
Start Date 2007-00-00
End Date 2011-03-00
Is Current no
Amount 197,000 USD
Goods Amount represents a cut of illegal consulting fees hospitals gave to Adex/Kalish, which in turn went to Olympian/Kruger for official action.
Notes [F]rom 2007 through March 2011, Solomon Kalish, through Adex Management (“Adex”), a marketing/consulting firm, [. . .] directed approximately $197,000 that third parties had paid to Adex to Olympian. In exchange for the payments made to Adex, as alleged in Counts Three and Four of the Indictment, KRUGER undertook official action to benefit Kalish, Adex, and the third parties paying Adex as opportunities arose.
Updated almost 6 years ago

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