Brian Spector has/had a position (Former Analyst) at Blackstone Group

Title Former Analyst
Notes BRIAN SPECTOR Former Partner, Baupost Group Brian Spector is the chairman of Reflow Medical, a medical device company focused on developing simple, yet sophisticated, technologies that facilitate procedures used for treating cardiovascular disease. He is a former partner at The Baupost Group, a Boston-based investment management firm, where he was focused on both distressed debt and equity investments from 1998 to 2015. Prior to joining Baupost, Brian was an associate with Oak Hill Advisors and a financial analyst at The Blackstone Group. Brian graduated with high distinction from the University of Michigan School of Business Administration with a B.B.A. Brian serves on the board of New Profit and the Boston board of directors for Year Up. He is also actively involved in a number of other non-profit organizations.
Updated about 6 years ago

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