Prepared for Public Television a Program for Action
Sponsored Carnegie Corporation of New York
Start Date 1966-00-00
Notes Public Television, A Program for Action: Report and Recommendations GENERAL Resource Type: Research Abstract Title: Public Television, A Program for Action: Report and Recommendations Abstract: This report of the Carnegie Commission on Educational Television is addressed to The American people. The Commission has been sponsored by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, and its study financed by that foundation. The Commission was asked to conduct a broadly conceived study of noncommercial television and to focus its attention principally, although not exclusively, on community-owned channels and their services to the general public....The Commission will recommend lines along which noncommercial television stations might most usefully develop during the years ahead. It was made clear to the Commission from the outset that within the general framework of its charge from the Carnegie Corporation it was free to set its own terms of reference and to operate wholly under its own direction. The Commission reports, therefore, as an independent group, solely responsible for its conclusions and recommendations. (p. vii) CONTENTS Preface. Introductory note: What public television is. A proposal to extend and strengthen educational television: A summary of the Commission's report. The commission urges immediate action to extend and strengthen education television. The commission proposes a new institution for public television. The commission proposes enlarged Federal support for public television. The commission proposes continuing study to improve instructional television. Chapter 1. The opportunity. Television and education. Commercial television. Station visits. The unheard. A civilized voice. Chapter 2. The present system. Program sources. Distribution. Sources of operating funds. The need for public television. Chapter 3. The proposal. The stations. The corporation. Program production. More-than-local production. Local production. Interconnection. Experimental production. Technical research. Recruitment and training. Revenues. The total system. Instructional television. Chapter 4. The promise. The new shape of educational television. The road ahead. Programs: The test of the system. Fulfilling the promise. Programs for children. Contemporary affairs. Analysis of ideas. Encouraging spontaneity. Flexibility of scheduling. Encouraging innovation. The sense of history. The faith to be free. Acknowledgments. Other educational television stations as of December 1966. Summary: BIBLIOGRAPHY Media Type: Report Author: Carnegie Commission on Education Television Series Title: Edition: Resource URL: ISBN/ISSN: Pages: 112 p. Date of Publication: Saturday, December 31, 1966 Resource: (0 bytes) PUBLISHER DETAILS Name: Carnegie Commission on Educational Television Address: City: Cambridge State, Zip: MA, Country: Publisher URL:
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