Arki Busson had a position (Fund Manager) at Tudor Investment Corporation

Title Fund Manager
Start Date 1986-00-00
Is Current no
Notes Busson's financier father, Pascal, was a former French army officer and Algeria veteran; his mother, Florence, an English debutante. They met in Paris and named their son after his step--grandfather, a Hungarian banker called Arpad Plesch. Finance was in his blood and Busson was an early learner. Growing up in Switzerland, he made early profits selling toothpicks door-to-door. He burst into hedge funds in 1986 at the age of just 23, raising capital for Paul Tudor Jones in Tudor Investments. Now he employs 170 people around the world. His fans say he is as good at persuading individuals to part with their money as he is with institutions. "He likes them to make sure they feel the benefit," as one adviser puts it. At the fund-raiser on Friday night, where credit cards were flexed to the sound of Elton and the tune of millions, it seemed everyone was feeling the benefit.
Updated over 5 years ago

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