Project Educare California at Silicon Valley
Partner Verizon Communications Inc.
Notes Our Partners Educare California at Silicon Valley collaborates with several public and private partners who provide services, resources, funds, in-kind donations, and expertise across a wide range of issue areas. Our families benefit from this unique blend of coordinated service delivery in one location. Thank you to our many partners whose contributions ensure that low-income children will have the best possible chance for success: Adobe AT&T Buffett Early Childhood Fund (Founding Partner) Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County (Founding Partner) Children’s Discovery Museum of San José Cisco County of Santa Clara De Anza College East Side Union High School District (Founding Partner) Educare Learning Network Encore.Org Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund First 5 California (Founding Partner) FIRST 5 Santa Clara County (Founding Partner) Franklin-McKinley Children’s Initiative Franklin-McKinley School District (Founding Partner) George Kaiser Family Foundation Junior League of San Jose Ounce of Prevention Fund Perkins Coie Polaris Associates San José Public Library Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors Santa Clara County Office of Education (Founding Partner) S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Silicon Valley Bank Silicon Valley Leadership Group (Founding Partner) Sugimura Finney Architects The David and Lucile Packard Foundation (Founding Partner) The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation The Health Trust (Founding Partner) The Heising-Simons Foundation The Opportunity Fund The Scott Foundation US Bank Verizon Warmenhoven Family Foundation
Updated about 6 years ago