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Single Stop USA
Single Stop harnesses some of America’s most effective anti-poverty tools to create economic mobility for low-income families and individuals. Providing coordinated access to the safety net, connecting people in need to the resources they require to attain higher education, obtain good jobs, and achieve financial self-sufficiency – it’s all part of the Single Stop method to reduce poverty in America.
Single Stop’s concept is simple, and the impact is profound. Over 1 million households across 9 states have been connected to $3.2 billion in critical resources. Single Stop estimates the return on their investment is 20:1.
Single Stop started operations in Philadelphia in 2013 in partnership with the Community College of Philadelphia. It was heralded at the time as the “best site launch in the nation” by Single Stop, given the pace at which it signed up participants and expanded available services. The program continues to impress, providing a wide array of services such as benefits screening and application assistance, tax preparation services, financial counseling, legal assistance, immigration counsel and health enrollment advice.
Single Stop Philadelphia and its community college partner are poised to extend their reach through Regional Centers and beyond. Ask students and families who have already benefited from their relationship with the program: this is one stop in Philly that’s definitely worth making. |