Carnegie Corporation of New York and Sesame Street have/had a generic relationship

Launched Carnegie Corporation of New York
Initiative Sesame Street
Start Date 1967-00-00
Notes Title Statement by Alan Pifer Creator Alan Pifer Date November 7, 1967 Source Statement, Alan Pifer, “Statement by Alan Pifer, President of the Carnegie Corporation, Pledging One Million Dollars to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, at the Signing of the Public Television Bill at the White House, Tuesday, November 7,” 11/7/67, EX ED 5, WHCF, Box 24, LBJ Library. Transcription November 8, 1965 CARNEGIE CORPORATION OF NEW YORK 589 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017 – (212) 753-3100 STATEMENT BY ALAN PIFER, PRESIDENT OF CARNEGIE CORPORATION, PLEDGING ONE MILLION DOLLARS TO THE CORPORATION FOR PUBLIC BROADCASTING, AT THE SIGNING OF THE PUBLIC TELEVISION BILL AT THE WHITE HOUSE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7[, 1967] Mr. President, the piece of legislation you have just signed is of historic import because it has the potential to enhance immeasurably the quality of American life. Its passage, I am certain, is a source of pride to you and to the members of your administration. I am equally certain that the 90th Congress will count the creation of the Public Broadcasting Corporation among its most valuable accomplishments. It is significant that this corporation, while having the word public in its name, will be a private institution. Government funding through the Corporation of the new system of public broadcasting is both right and essential. The system cannot come into being or thrive without it. But equally right and essential is private support for public broadcasting. Private sector responsibility in this new venture is as great as that of government. The Columbia Broadcasting System and the United Automobile Workers have already recognized this by pledging their financial support. It is to be hoped others will follow their lead. Mr. President, Carnegie Corporation of New York was privileged to be the sponsor of a comprehensive study of public television under the able leadership of Dr. Killian. We are privileged now in recognition of our faith in the public-private partnership envisaged in the report of that commission, and now made possible by the good work here in Washington, to pledge $1,000,000 to the support of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1967
Updated about 6 years ago