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Editorial Reviews
In this marvelous book, Steve Rothschild shares the samesound business principles he used at General Mills and later tofound two nonprofits. Every social enterprise can benefit fromthese rigorous, real-world approaches.”
—From the foreword by Bill George
“Steve Rothschild has given the nonprofit community avital, much-needed book at a crucial moment—when funding fromall sources is tighter than ever. I believe The NonNonprofit will become the how-to manual for improving strategy,execution, and organizational effectiveness in the nonprofit world.And with twenty-two years of outstanding executive leadership atGeneral Mills, followed by twenty years of innovative leadership inthe not-for-profit world, Steve brings the ideal set of experiencesand lessons to the topic. A must-read for any executive andespecially those who lead our nonprofit organizations.”
—Ken Powell, CEO, General Mills
“The lessons of The Non Nonprofit can improve theresults of any nonprofit organization.It provides sound guidance todonors, agencies, and policy makers. This is the kind of thinking Iencourage United Way leaders to apply while measuring communityneed and community impact.”
—Brian Gallagher, president and CEO, United WayWorldwide
“We need more practical visionaries like Steve Rothschild.He saw the problem of poverty, rolled up his sleeves, and carefullytested what works and what doesn't. The result: a powerful andeffective program for reducing poverty and a set of clearprinciples that can be readily applied anywhere. The NonNonprofit is a ground-breaking book.”
—Amy Klobuchar, U.S. Senator, Minnesota
“The Non Nonprofit is this year's mandatory readingfor anyone fortunate enough to be in leadership in the nonprofitsector. This book shows not only why but how nonprofitorganizations can strategically move into a new framework thatleads into the future, not simply react to circumstances beyond ourcontrol. The beauty here is that the principles are not onlysocially innovative but also grounded in proven experience. This isthe book I will be passing out to the leaders in mynetwork.”
—Father Larry Snyder, president, Catholic CharitiesUSA
“Steve Rothschild, one of the country's best socialentrepreneurs, has broken the back of multigenerational deeppoverty. His clients, the formerly unemployable, have better trackrecords at work than the average American. In The NonNonprofit, he explains, simply and very clearly, how anyone canbe just as effective.”
—Bill Drayton, CEO, Ashoka: Innovators for thePublic
“For all of our many achievements, America remains anation yet suffering from widespread poverty. Steve Rothschild'sThe Non Nonprofit reflects what he has learned from nearlyseventeen years as the committed and inspired founder of TwinCities RISE! These are proven ideas, practical and available tobusinesses and public leaders in our communities. I am pleased torecommend this fresh and creative approach to creating moreopportunity for those in our midst who need it themost.”
—Walter Mondale, 42nd Vice President of the UnitedStates
“Steve Rothschild's fresh thinking translates provenstrategies that successful businesses employ every day intopractical approaches to confronting centuries-old issues likepoverty. No partisan politics, no fancy tricks-just fundamental,time-tested solutions.”
—Harvey Mackay, author, Swim With The Sharks WithoutBeing Eaten Alive
“As a Twin Cities RISE! customer, I can say unequivocallythat the seven principles in The Non Nonprofit work. RISE!provides just the type of employee that every company needs to besuccessful: self-motivated, engaged, skilled, productive, andemotionally mature. The employer community would do well to takemuch greater advantage of this underutilizedorganization.”
—David Abrams, vice president, North Memorial HealthCare
“I've observed from the beginning of his anti-poverty workSteve Rothschild's efforts to put his principles into practice.I've observed with the skeptical eye of an evaluator. I've seenhundreds of good ideas and hopeful visions flounder in the face ofcomplex realities. I'm not easily impressed. But what Rothschildhas accomplished impresses. The principles he identifies, explains,and illustrates have broad applicability. He has learned a greatdeal about what works. Anyone who cares about making a differenceshould pay attention to what he's learned-it's allhere.”
—Michael Quinn Patton, founder and director,Utilization-Focused Evaluation; former president, AmericanEvaluation Association
“As director of the U.S. Agency for InternationalDevelopment (USAID) for six years in the 1990s, I presided over theU.S. government's global poverty reduction efforts. SteveRothschild reminds me of the innovators whose practical approacheschanged the world of development, people like Hernando De Soto andMuhammad Yunus. Rothschild understands incentives, accountability,and personal improvement. His Twin Cities RISE! is alearning-driven organization that empowers challenged citizens toovercome their issues and succeed. Rothschild's RISE! is not afraidto establish a bottom line and is eager to be held accountable forachieving it. The Non Nonprofit and its recipes for successare a must-read for those who are truly concerned about poverty,here or anywhere.”
—J. Brian Atwood, former dean, Humphrey School of PublicAffairs, University of Minnesota; chair, Development AssistanceCommittee, Organization for Economic Co-operation andDevelopment
“I take pride in being one of the many people SteveRothschild met and talked with when he was first thinking ofstarting what turned out to be Twin Cities RISE! I must admit thatwhile I thought his market-based approach was exquisitely ontarget, I was concerned he wasn't giving adequate weight to themany attitudinal and behavioral shortcomings that keep largenumbers of people impoverished. More than fifteen years later, it'sclear I was wrong, as I know of no analyst or practitioner in theUnited States who better understands how efforts to help poorpeople must meld both economically grounded and culturally groundedapproaches.”
—Mitch Pearlstein, founder and CEO, Center of theAmerican Experiment
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