Seeding Success is/was a member of Strive Together

Title Cradle to Career Network Member
Notes StriveTogether has developed a variety of tools and techniques to support Cradle to Career Network members as they work to change their local education systems and improve results for students. We’ve seen communities achieve results more quickly when they have a chance to work together and learn from each other. Now, based on common challenges shared by our Cradle to Career Network members, lessons learned from last year’s Project FAFSA and the growing adoption of continuous improvement methods, StriveTogether is launching a new method to help communities achieve results together: Impact and Improvement Networks. With support from the Lumina Foundation, we have kicked off our first Impact and Improvement Network focused on post-secondary enrollment with six Cradle to Career Network members – All Hands Raised (Portland, OR), The Commit! Partnership (Dallas, TX), Impact Tulsa (Tulsa, OK), P16 Plus Council of Greater Bexar County (San Antonio, TX), The Road Map Project (Seattle, WA), and Seeding Success (Memphis, TN).
Updated over 5 years ago

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