Program Center for Learning Architecture Silicon Valley
Co-founder University of California Santa Cruz
Start Date 2013-00-00
Notes Center for Learning Architecture-Silicon Valley The Center for Learning Architecture-Silicon Valley (CLA-SV) was established in 2013 as a partnership between the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) and the National Laboratory for Education Transformation (NLET). CLA-SV joins cross-disciplinary teams of researchers with community agencies and industry in the region to employ information technology to transform education. CLA-SV designs systems that foster deep, personalized learning for all students—with an emphasis on students from underserved communities—by integrating cutting-edge technologies with contemporary forms of social organization. Combined with advanced data analytics, these responsive, instructional platforms support learning activities that enhance student engagement and academic outcomes. Multidisciplinary teams from UCSC, which involve social sciences and engineering, conduct research to: Understand human and social factors that influence learning; Advance technologies that facilitate learning; and Develop data-analytic techniques applicable to solving educational problems. For information about CLA-SV, please contact its Director, Rodney Ogawa at
Updated about 6 years ago