America Forward and Third Sector Capital Partners have/had a generic relationship

Sif pfs pilot partner America Forward
Sif pfs pilot partner Third Sector Capital Partners
Start Date 2014-00-00
Notes America Forward is a national non-partisan policy initiative, spearheaded by the nonprofit social innovation organization and venture philanthropy fund New Profit, Inc. We unite national policymakers with innovators who lead high-impact and results-driven organizations, to advance a public policy agenda that champions innovative and effective solutions to our country’s most pressing social problems. For more information contact Sam Hiersteiner ( NLC, NGA, NACo, and America Forward will educate their constituencies about the benefits of PFS and the opportunities presented by the SIF PFS project. They also bring a cadre of experts in governmental structure and the SIF priority program issue areas to assist in providing high quality technical assistance. This partnership will ensure that these organizations’ resources and insights are brought to bear in building the knowledge base necessary to scale PFS Social Impact Financing nationally.
Updated over 6 years ago