Aisha Wahab has a position (IT Analyst) at County of Santa Clara

Title IT Analyst
Start Date 2015-00-00
Is Current yes
Notes Santa Clara County’s Information Services Department — San Jose, CA Associate Management Analyst B (CEMA Union Employee) Present • Support the creation of a state of the art IT infrastructure, countywide. • Managing a “call center” for technical concerns and support. • Select and implement a new IT Asset Management system and enable software security upgrades (cyber security, privacy, etc.) • Procurement, contracts, RFPs, vendor management, etc. • Conducts or participates in a variety of analytical studies and surveys on organization, procedures, budgetary requirements, personnel management and other related management functions; makes recommendations and prepares reports on the findings of such studies and surveys; • Interviews and consults with departmental officials and employees, representatives from other organizations and groups, and the general public to give and/or secure necessary information; • Reviews and analyzes existing or proposed policies, procedures, systems management and personnel activities and advises management on their impact or potential impact.
Updated over 5 years ago

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