Virginia Eubanks has/had a position (Professor) at State University of New York at Albany

Title Professor
Start Date 2004-00-00
Notes Writer; Economic Justice Organizer Company NameAssociate Professor, University at Albany, SUNY Dates EmployedAug 2004 – Present Employment Duration14 yrs 2 mos I think, write, talk and teach about technology, poverty, and social movements in the United States. I am the author of *Digital Dead End: Fighting for Social Justice in the Information Age* (MIT Press, 2011) and co-editor, with Alethia Jones and Barbara Smith, of *Ain't Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around: 40 Years of Social Movements with Barbara Smith* (SUNY Press 2014). More recently, I have reported on poor people's organizing in the US, surveillance and privacy, and the computerization of welfare. I am a fairly regular contributor to The American Prospect, Slate and The Nation. I also cofounded and led two community organizations for more than a decade. The first, Our Knowledge, Our Power (OKOP), was an grassroots economic justice and welfare rights organization. The second, the Popular Technology Workshops, helped community organizations and social movements make the connection between technology and their other social justice goals. I've stepped back from these organizations for the time being to concentrate on my writing, but social justice and community-based participatory research remain central to all the work that I do. I draw people into my writing, research, teaching and movement work with insight and enthusiasm, sharing what I've learned and what I think we should do to help technology serve liberation. I do public talks targeted to hit audiences “where they're at,” and I've appeared in dozens of bookstores, universities, festivals, and community contexts. I am comfortable writing about your great economic justice activism for broad national audiences, training social movement leaders, and facilitating workshops on technology and social change. See less
Updated over 6 years ago

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