Supported by Commission on Evidence-Based Policy Making
Consulting on implementation Bipartisan Policy Center
Start Date 2016-00-00
Notes ABOUT THIS PROJECT The Bipartisan Policy Center is exploring how to advance the use of evidence-based policymaking in Congress. Evidence-based policymaking uses findings from rigorous research and program evaluations to guide decisions about public policy and funding. The goal of an evidence-based approach is to more rigorously drive public funding toward policies that achieve positive social outcomes for people at the lowest possible cost. BPC is consulting with congressional staff, other key participants in the policymaking process, and policy experts to gather ideas about the most effective ways to employ evidence-based approaches in the legislative process. From these conversations, BPC is seeking to identify the challenges to greater use of rigorous evidence in Congress, discern ways to address those challenges, and craft recommendations to build a stronger foundation of rigorous evidence in the routine work of Congress. This white paper provides a brief overview of evidence-based policymaking and recent interest in Congress. Based on our interviews, the paper outlines the broad challenges to the wider use of evidence-based policymaking in the legislative process and suggests a broad framework for creating an evidence-based culture in Congress. Later this year, BPC will release a final report with concrete recommendations for achieving more robust evidence-based policymaking. KEYWORDS: 115TH CONGRESS, COMMISSION ON EVIDENCE-BASED POLICYMAKING, EVIDENCE-BASED, EVIDENCE-BASED POLICYMAKING INITIATIVE, PATTY MURRAY, PAUL RYAN, PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA
Updated over 6 years ago