DJ Patil had a position (Chief Scientist and Security Officer) at LinkedIn

Title Chief Scientist and Security Officer
Start Date 2008-00-00
End Date 2011-00-00
Is Current no
Employee yes
Notes Head of Data Products, Chief Scientist, and Chief Security Officer Company NameLinkedIn Dates EmployedMay 2008 – Mar 2011 Employment Duration2 yrs 11 mos Responsible for the following areas: - Product teams on Data products - Decision Sciences and Business Intelligence - Fraud, Abuse, Risk, and Security Led and executed strategy for LinkedIn to (a) become a data driven company and (b) have a product portfolio of data driven products. Of all of our accomplishments, I’ve most proud of the team we built and believe that, pound-for-pound, it is the best Data Science and Engineering Team assembled. I can’t emphasize enough how much this was a team effort. Some of our products include: - People You May Know (did you know this was invented by LinkedIn?) - Who’s Viewed My Profile, Profile Stats, Who’s Viewed My Job, etc - Talent Match (when you post a job it returns the best matched candidates) - Jobs You May Be Interested In - InMaps (real time interactive visualization of your LinkedIn network) - Analytically driven email campaigns (Fortune called this the best email you’ll receive this year) - Groups You Might Like - Skills - Many more… Some of the technologies that we had to invent to build these products: - Voldemort - Kafka - Azkaban Responsible for LinkedIn’s push to implement Hadoop and become a center of excellence in the space. During my tenure Fast Company ranked LinkedIn as the 24th most innovate company for its data products and 2nd most innovative company in education for Career Explorer. Our Decision Sciences team led the development of large-scale implementation of new data access methods, company wide dashboards, monitoring, etc. Our Fraud, Abuse, Risk, and Security team went from me to a fully 24x7 team and charted new territory by building a number of new technologies to identify abuse via social networks. The rest of this paragraph has been redacted.
Updated about 7 years ago

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