Susannah Fox had a position (Chief Technology Office) at U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Title Chief Technology Office
Start Date 2015-00-00
End Date 2017-00-00
Is Current no
Notes Chief Technology Officer Company NameU.S. Department of Health and Human Services Dates EmployedMay 2015 – Jan 2017 Employment Duration1 yr 9 mos LocationWashington D.C. Metro Area Harnessed the power of data, technology, and innovation to improve the health and welfare of the nation. Worked with leaders and frontline staff across the Department to improve operations. Translated market reality of rapid technological change into actionable opportunities and threat mitigation strategies. Represented the U.S. in domestic and international meetings, including bilateral health data discussions with foreign governments. Led an innovation lab that created opportunities for entrepreneurship and impact across the Department’s 27 divisions and 80,000+ employees, including the following programs: o Ignite Accelerator: Provides HHS staff a startup environment to test new ideas. o Ventures Fund: Invests in and supports bold ideas to transform Departmental operations. o Entrepreneurs-in-Residence Program: Recruits outside talent to solve complex problems in health and the delivery of human services. o Innovators-in-Residence Program: Partners with private, non-profit organizations to explore areas of mutual interest. o Buyers Club: Modernizing information technology acquisition. o Health Data Initiative: Liberating health and social service data to serve the public. o Competes: Leverages incentive prize competitions to source external solutions. Conceived of and launched the Invent Health initiative focused on user-driven innovation of medical and assistive devices.
Updated over 6 years ago

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