Title Director
Start Date 2014-00-00
Notes There are many opportunities across an individual’s life to create, shape, and hone the skills necessary to achieve one’s full potential. heckman-2However, for those who face disadvantages, what can be done to reduce inequality and promote opportunity and access to these skills? The Center for the Economics of Human Development is driven by finding answers to these important research and policy questions, including understanding the critical periods in the life cycle where interventions can have a meaningful impact on the creation and refinement of a diversity of skills necessary for human flourishing. The Center integrates cutting-edge research across disciplines, theories, and methods. We serve as a catalyst for collaboration among economists, biologists, psychologists, neuroscientists, and sociologists interested in methodological innovation. These collaborations also allow us to recognize the multiplicity of skills required to be successful in life, including cognitive skills, social skills, and health. Our researchers go out into the world and observe multifaceted problems and the social and economic contexts in which they are embedded then develop, estimate, and apply a unified framework of skill formation to guide policy and evaluate the effectiveness of social programs. We understand that investing in human capital is vital to the health of communities and our economy. Though there is likely no perfect method to advance opportunity for all, we do know that we can create and shape human capabilities, giving all people the opportunity for advancement.
Updated about 7 years ago