Angela Duckworth has a position (Founder) at Character Lab Inc

Title Founder
Start Date 2013-00-00
Is Current yes
Executive yes
Notes Character Lab is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2013 by one scientist and two educators: Angela Duckworth, author of Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance and the Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania; Dave Levin, co-founder of the KIPP public charter schools; and Dominic Randolph, Head of Riverdale Country School. Under the leadership of our first Executive Director, Brittany Butler, a committed team of educators and designers made promising strides toward creating practical tools and measures for schools. In 2016, Character Lab moved from New York City to the campus of the University of Pennsylvania. At the same time, Angela assumed the role of CEO, and Donald Kamentz, a two-decade education veteran who had most recently been with the YES Prep public charter school system in Houston, assumed the role of Executive Director.
Updated about 7 years ago