Eric Mindich and Robert Rubin have/had a professional relationship

Protege Eric Mindich
Mentor Robert Rubin
Start Date 1984-00-00
End Date 1992-00-00
Notes WSJ Huge Hedge Fund Launched Successfully Under Eric Mindich By Gregory Zuckerman and Henny Sender 1008 words 3 November 2004 Sparking the interest is the pedigree of Mr. Mindich, as well as the lackluster investing options currently available. Mr. Mindich started working at Goldman after high school, and spent summers at the firm while earning a degree in economics at Harvard. In 1994, at the age of 27, he became the youngest partner in Goldman's history. He learned the trading business on Goldman's hallowed risk-arbitrage desk (such desks make bets on corporate mergers). He became a protege of Robert Rubin, the former U.S. Treasury secretary, eventually leading the trading business to record profits. Two years ago, Mr. Mindich became one of Goldman's top executives
Updated about 16 years ago