Arron Banks and Cato Institute have/had a generic relationship

Delievered brexit speech Arron Banks
Start Date 2016-04-30
End Date 2016-05-03
Notes Leave.EU press release reads: LEAVE.EU FOUNDER & BREXIT BACKER ARRON BANKS, & GRASSROOTS OUT FOUNDER KATE HOEY TO MAKE WASHINGTON, D.C. VISIT WHAT: British businessman and founder of Leave.EU, a hugely successful initiative in support of “Brexit,” and Labour MP Kate Hoey, who is the co-founder of Grassroots Out, will visit Washington, D.C. and New York City to meet policy leaders, political thought leaders, and media to build support for Brexit and to convey the benefits for the United States should the United Kingdom vote to leave the European Union when the upcoming referendum takes place June 23. In addition to his meetings, Mr. Banks and MP Kate Hoey will attend several events over the weekend, including the White House Correspondents Dinner. Additional program elements include meetings with: • Ambassador John Bolton • The Department Treasury • The Department of State • The Atlantic Council • The American Foreign Policy Center • The Heritage Foundation • The CATO Institute
Updated over 8 years ago

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