An award winner Motorola Solutions Foundation
Start Date 2013-00-00
Notes In recognition for helping make the Nation’s Capital a safer place to live, work and visit, Motorola Solutions has received the Public Safety Business Partner of the Year award by the Washington DC Police Foundation and Cathy Lanier, the chief of the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD). The award was presented on June 18 at the 8th Annual Law Enforcement Award ceremony in Washington. Among the initiatives the Motorola Solution Foundation helps support with other MPD business partners is the Junior Cadet Program. The DC Police Foundation started it three years ago with MPD and the District of Columbia Public Schools. The program, taught by school resource officers, aims to build character, foster relationships between police and the community, and keep students starting in the fifth grade interested in law enforcement or public service careers. The Motorola Solution Foundation also donated funds that were instrumental in the development of the MPD Tactical Village, a state-of-the-art, scenario-based training center scheduled to open this fall.
Updated over 9 years ago