Stacy Barcroft Lloyd died on December 6, 1994, in a horse and carriage accident on his property in Berryville, Virginia. A native of Philadelphia, he entered St. Paul's in 1922. In his VI Form year, he was a Field Marshal, an Accounting Warden, an Acolyte, and representative to Groton. He was active as a member of the executive committees of the Library Association and the Missionary Society; he was also a member of the Cadmean Literary Society. He served as Treasurer of his Form and Secretary-Treasurer of the Shattuck Boat Club. He played for the SPS and Isthmian football teams, and the Isthmian hockey team, and he rowed for the School crew as well as for Shattuck. He graduated from Princeton University in 1930 and went on to become the publisher and editor of the Clarke Courier Weekly in Clarke County, Virginia. A horse enthusiast, he later founded and published the well-known Virginia magazine on fox hunting and equestrian competition, The Chronicle of the Horse, where he remained publisher and editor for 15 years. He joined the U.S. Army in September 1942 and served with the O.S.S (Office of Strategic Services) in England, Northern Africa, and Italy, where he was in charge of field detachments and was also on the staff of General William Donovan. He left the service in July 1945, a lieutenant colonel, and was awarded the Legion of Merit and the Croix de Guerre. Following a divorce in 1949, he remarried and moved to St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands, where he began dairy farming. He established the Island's first pasteurized fresh milk plant. For more than 30 years, he successfully ran the Island Dairies, supplying fresh milk to the entire island of St. Croix at a time when the St. Croix's population multiplied nearly 10 fold. He was also active in helping to establish thoroughbred racing on the Island. In 1981, upon the death of his second wife to polio, he returned to his home in Virginia where he pursued his long-time interest in carriage driving. He married Virginia (Vidy) Boy-Ed and set up Long Pond Farm in Berryville, raising Welsh Cobs and a small herd of Charolais cattle. All his life, he was an avid outdoorsman, particularly enjoying golf and sailing. He is survived by his wife; a daughter, Eliza Moore; and two sons, Stacy Lloyd III, and Robin Lloyd '69.