PAUL T. WILLIAMS, JR. is the President and chief executive officer of DASNY. Mr. Williams is responsible for the overall management of DASNY’s administration and operations. Prior to joining DASNY, Mr. Williams spent the majority of his career in law including 15 years as a founding partner in Wood, Williams, Rafalsky & Harris, where he helped to develop a national bond counsel practice, then as a partner in Bryan Cave LLP, where he counseled corporate clients in a range of areas. Mr. Williams later left the practice of law to help to establish a boutique Wall Street investment banking company where he served as president for several years. Throughout his career, Mr. Williams has made significant efforts to support diversity and promote equal opportunity, including his past service as president of One Hundred Black Men, Inc. and chairman of the Eagle Academy Foundation. Mr. Williams is licensed to practice law in the State of New York and holds a Bachelor’s degree from Yale University and a Juris Doctor degree from Columbia University School of Law.