Lead Wey, '93 now goes by Brandon Wade because it’s more “Hugh Hefneresque,” Lead initially became entrepreneurially emboldened when he was the runner-up for what was then the MIT $10K Entrepreneurship Competition. He later went on to start an internet company, SourceGate Systems, Inc., enabling ISPs to create new, advertising-based revenue streams. With the help of Senior Lecturer Joseph G. Hadzima ’73, he successfully raised $10 million. “Lead was a classic ‘driven entrepreneur,’ in the best sense of the phrase,” Hadzima said in an email. “SourceGate was a bit ahead of its time and ran into the internet bubble burst problem.” Brandon Wade is founder and CEO of the websites SeekingArrangement.com and SeekingMillionaire.com. As an entrepreneur, he started numerous internet and mobile companies, as well as retail and tour businesses. Prior to these endeavors, he served as a management consultant with Booz Allen, and held executive roles at several Fortune 500 companies, including General Electric and Microsoft. Originally from Singapore, Brandon moved to the United States to study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he graduated with both a BS and an MBA degree. Since then, he has lived in Boston, New York, Seattle, New Orleans, San Francisco and most recently Las Vegas.