Penny Young Nance most recently served as President of Nance and Associates and as Special Advisor for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), where she advised the Chairman and the Commissioners on media and social issues. Before joining the FCC, Mrs. Nance was founder and President of the Kids First Coalition, a non-profit organization focused on educating Capitol Hill, the media, and the public on a variety of issues related to children. Prior to founding Kids First Coalition, Mrs. Nance worked for five years as Legislative Director for Concerned Women for America. She has also consulted for other non-profit organizations including Prison Fellowship Ministries and the Center for Reclaiming America. She served on the Capitol Hill Staff of Congressman Pat Swindall (R-Georgia). Mrs. Nance is the wife of Will Nance and the mother of two children. She has served on Concerned Women for America's national board of directors and the Virginia board of Bethany Christian Services (the nation's largest non-profit adoption agency). In addition, Mrs. Nance formerly volunteered with Birth Mothers, a non-profit organization dedicated to meeting the physical needs of women in crisis pregnancies. She is a graduate of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia.