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Born in Dallas Texas, U.S.A., 22 April 1923. Educated at Sorbonne University, Paris, 1945-46; Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, B.A. 1950. Married: 1) Carolyn Jones, 1953 (divorced, 1964); 2) Carole Gene Marer, 1968; one daughter and one son. Served in U.S. Air Force, 1942-45, decorated with Bronze Star Medal, Purple Heart with oak leaf cluster. Actor, from 1953, appearing in 50 television shows and 12 films; began career as a writer after selling script to Zane Grey Theater; worked in production, Four Star, 1956-65; co-owner, with Danny Thomas, Thomas-Spelling Productions, 1968-72; co-president, Spelling-Goldberg Productions, 1972-77; president, Aaron Spelling Productions, Inc., Los Angeles, 1977-86, chair and chief executive officer, since 1986. Spelling and his second wife, Candy, had two children, Tori (for Victoria), who became a star on the two Fox serials (“Now I’m known as Tori Spelling’s father,” he said in mock lament), and Randy, who appeared in the short-lived “Malibu Shores.”
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