Larry Harmel is the Director of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Community Policing Institute. MARCPI has trained over twenty thousand police and community officials in Maryland, Delaware, and Washington, D.C. He is the President of Maryland Police Chiefs Association, and has served as their Executive Director. He was Chief of the Maryland Transportation Authority Police Department from 1997-2003. MTA is a full service law enforcement agency with jurisdiction on interstates, state highways, bridges, tunnels, and the Baltimore-Washington International Airport. His prior service was for 31 years with the Maryland State Police where he was a Lieutenant Colonel commanding the Bureau of Drug and Criminal Enforcement, and Special Operations bureaus. He also Commanded MSP’s Field Operations Bureau, and the governor’s Executive Protection Division. He is a graduate of the Police Executive Leadership Program at Johns Hopkins University, and the Senior Executives in State and Local Government Program at Harvard University’s School of Government. He was twice honored as Maryland State Police’s Trooper of the Year.