Mark Brownstein is Senior Vice President of Energy at Environmental Defense Fund, and a member of EDF’s executive team. He joined EDF in 2011 as Chief Counsel in the Energy program. Brownstein leads EDF’s work on the oil and gas industry, with particular focus on methane emissions and the risks to public health and the environment associated with unconventional oil and gas development, and he specializes in a variety of electric and gas utility policy and regulatory issues. He was one of two EDF staff leads on the United States Climate Action Partnership, a coalition of the nation’s leading corporations and environmental groups championing immediate action on federal legislation to cap and substantially reduce greenhouse gas pollution across the U.S. economy. Mr. Brownstein is co-author of the Carbon Principles, a set of enhanced due diligence principles for investment banks considering the financing of coal-fired power plants. Prior to joining EDF, he was Director of Enterprise Strategy for Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. His career also includes time as an attorney in private environmental practice, a regulator with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, and an aide to then-Congressman Robert G. Torricelli (D-NJ).