Business Positions
Evercore Partners Inc
A leading independent investment banking advisory firm
New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY LEAD)
coalition advocating campaign finance reform in NYS
Andrew Cuomo
former governor of New York State
Joe Biden
46th President of the United States; Vice President; US Senator from Delaware
Democratic National Committee
Governing body for the U.S. Democratic Party
Barack Obama
44th President of the United States
Kirsten Gillibrand
US Senator and Representative from New York
Hill PAC
Leadership PAC affiliated with Hillary Clinton (D-NY)
Hillary Clinton
US Secretary of State & NY Senator; 2016 Democratic Presidential candidate
Sean Maloney
former Democratic US Representative from NY-18
Anthony D Weiner
Former US Representative from New York
Carolyn Maloney
US Representative from New York (1993-present)
Michael Bennet
US Senator from Colorado
New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY LEAD)
coalition advocating campaign finance reform in NYS