Campaign Donors
Robert J Perry
Head of a Houston real estate empire worth an estimated $650 million
William E Dreyer
Retired SVP of SBC
Alex Cranberg
Chairman and CEO, Aspect Energy
Charles B Johnson
Billionaire; Chairman, Franklin Resources
Jay Faison
Clearpath Foundation President; former founder and CEO SnapAV
Richard Baron
Chairman and CEO, McCormack Baron Salazar
Diane R Jones
Health Policy Analyst, Mitre Corporation; former lobbyist, Microsoft and Eastman Kodak
Joseph Coors Jr
Brewery heir; congressional candidate in 2012
Albert Galatyn Hill Jr
Investments, A. G. Hill Partners; eldest grandson of H.L. Hunt
Dan E Arvizu
Director, NREL; President Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
Republican Party
The U.S. Republican Party