Silvio Barzi is the Executive Vice President of UniCredit Group, Head of New Markets, and founder and Chairman of UniCredit Consumer Finance, a bank specializing in credit cards and consumer credit. Mr. Barzi previously served on the MasterCard Board of Directors from April 2003 until May 2006 and again from June 2007 until January 2008 as a non-voting observer to the Board of Directors. He has also served as a member of the MasterCard Europe Region Board from 2001 until May 2006, and has been a member of the MasterCard European Board since the Company's initial public offering of its Class A Common Stock in May 2006 (the "IPO"). Mr. Barzi has served as Chairman of the MasterCard European Board since June 2007. Prior to joining UniCredit Group in 2000, Mr. Barzi was a Vice President at Booz Allen & Hamilton. From 1995 until 1998, he worked for the Credit Suisse-Winterthur Group, where as Chief Operating Officer he was responsible for the merger and integration of six Italian-based insurance companies. From 1981 to 1995, Mr. Barzi was a partner in the Italian office and a leader within the European Financial Institutions and Information Technology practices of McKinsey & Company. In addition to the MasterCard European Board, Mr. Barzi also currently serves as a director at SinSys and Credit RAS and is on the Board of Trustees of Collegio di Milano.