Kim Anstatt Morton worked almost a decade on Wall Street as an Equity Research Analyst at UBS and Hambrecht and Quist in NYC. She later joined Montgomery Securities in San Francisco where she covered emerging growth and big cap biotech companies. Kim is passionate about literacy, education and the arts. She enthusiastically serves on the advisory board of 10x10, a global movement for girls' education - a film and social action campaign (and a partner of Room to Read's). She is a member of San Francisco’s Edgewood Arts Advisory Board, has trained as a docent for Middle School kids with SFMOMA, and is active on their Artist’s Circle Donor Development Committee. Kim has worked with the Department of Health and Human Services in San Francisco, with abused and neglected children and has tutored a special literacy program for 6-8th graders struggling with reading at Francisco Middle School in San Francisco. Kim received her bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth College, and Fine Art and Graduate Painting Degrees at San Francisco Art Institute. Kim travels extensively in the developing world and lives in San Francisco with her husband Ian and son Baker.