William J. (Jerry) Hume joined Basic American, a food processing company, in 1967. He has been a member of the Basic American Board since 1980 and was elected Chairman of the Board in 1985. Hume is a graduate of Yale and Harvard Universities. Hume is chairman of the Foundation for Teaching Economics and of Biologically Integrated Organics, Inc. He is also a member of the Hoover Institution Board of Overseers and the boards of the Heritage Foundation, the Milton and Rose D. Friedman Foundation, and the American Education Reform Foundation. Hume has actively endorsed education reform for many years and has served on the California State Board of Education and the National Assessment Governing Board. He is married to Patricia (Patti) Hume. Both of their two daughters are married and are medical doctors, and their son is a writer and poet. They have one grandchild. In his spare time, Hume enjoys fly fishing.