Mr. John N. Irwin, III serves as the Managing Partner at The Brookside Group. Mr. Irwin is a Partner at Brookside Mezzanine Partners. He serves as President of the Achelis and Bodman Foundations, and the President of the Fresh Air Fund. Mr. Irwin has been Managing Director of Hillside Capital Incorporated since 1979. He serves as Treasurer of Wildlife Conservation Society. Mr. Irwin co-founded The Brookside Group in 1977 and remains its lead investment officer. He initially focused on the acquisition of a select number of public company divestitures and over time expanded the firms activities to include various types of leveraged buyouts. Mr. Irwin also initiated The Brookside Group's expansion into other asset classes, including public markets, real estate and mezzanine. He was a pioneer in the field of leveraged buyouts starting in 1970. Mr. Irwin has been active in developing strategic plans, driving operational improvements, and managing numerous private and public financings for portfolio companies. He has extensive international investing experience. Mr. Irwin has structured numerous international corporate joint investments and has managed portfolio companies with significant global operations. Mr. Irwin led one of the early privatizations in Eastern Europe and subsequently took the firm public in the Czech Republic. He serves as the Chairman of The Achelis & Bodman Foundations and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Sacred Heart School, Connecticut. Mr. Irwin served as an Advisory Director of BPI Capital Partners. He served as a Director of Congoleum Corp. from 1986 to May 2006. Mr. Irwin is active in the non-profit sector. He graduated from Princeton University and attended L'Institut d'Etude Politique, Paris.