Founder, Chairman, and CEO of The Cranemere Group Limited; founder and former CEO, AEA Investors
People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as Vincent A Mai
PersonCommon Orgs
James A Johnson Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc, Fannie Mae, Cranemere, Inc., Stanford Center on Longevity Advisory Council
John J Roberts Council on Foreign Relations, Juilliard School
David Rockefeller Sr Council on Foreign Relations, New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY LEAD)
Richard C Holbrooke Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc, Council on Foreign Relations
Peter G Peterson Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc, Council on Foreign Relations
Thomas R Pickering Council on Foreign Relations, Carnegie Corporation of New York
Peter J Solomon Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc, New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY LEAD)
Kenneth M Duberstein Fannie Mae, Council on Foreign Relations
Jami Miscik Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc, Council on Foreign Relations
J Tomilson Hill Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc, Council on Foreign Relations
Harry Crosby Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc, Cranemere, Inc.
Christopher P Mahan AEA Investors LP, Cranemere, Inc.
Robert Rubin Council on Foreign Relations, Carnegie Corporation of New York
Susan Hockfield Council on Foreign Relations, Carnegie Corporation of New York
Karen N Horn Fannie Mae, Council on Foreign Relations
Stephen Friedman Fannie Mae, Council on Foreign Relations
Bradley H Jack Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc, Juilliard School
Donna E Shalala Council on Foreign Relations
Bill Daley Fannie Mae
John E Bryson Council on Foreign Relations