former president and chairman of Bali Company
People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as Michael Stein
PersonCommon Orgs
David S Steiner The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, AIPAC
Dennis B. Ross The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, AIPAC
J Ira Harris The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Palm Beach Civic Association
Roselyne Chroman Swig The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, AIPAC
Nina Rosenwald The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, AIPAC
Martin Sean Indyk The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, AIPAC
Michael M Kassen The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, AIPAC
Barbi Weinberg The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, AIPAC
Richard S Ziman The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, AIPAC
Larry A Mizel The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, AIPAC
Michael Tuchin The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, AIPAC
Larry Weinberg The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, AIPAC
Tim Wuliger The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, AIPAC
Harriet Zimmerman The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, AIPAC
Robert J Eigen The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Palm Beach Civic Association
Herta Amir The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, AIPAC
Moses Libitzky The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, AIPAC
Robert M Kargman The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, AIPAC
David S Mack The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Palm Beach Civic Association
Paul L Baker The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, AIPAC