Mr. Reminger is the founder and retired CEO of Reminger Co., LPA, a law firm headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio. Prior to his retirement, he specialized in the defense of civil matters before juries in a broad spectrum of liability lawsuits. In his later career, Mr. Reminger concentrated in the defense of physicians and hospitals, including Cleveland Clinic. He was the recipient of his law school’s Man of the Year Award in 1989. He has served on the boards of publicly listed and private corporations, as well as many nonprofit companies, including the board of trustees of the Meridia Huron Hospital in Cleveland and the Board of Governors of the Good Samaritan Medical Center. He currently serves on the Medical Care Committee of the Palm Beach Civic Association. Mr.Reminger is the past director and president of the Hermit Club and the Mayfield Country Club, both in Cleveland. He is also an award-winning oil painter and an elected member of the Oil Painters of America and the Salmagundi Club (New York City), as well as the American Society of Marine Artists, the Portrait Society of America and the International Society of Marine Painters. Mr. Reminger received his bachelor’s degree from Case Western Reserve University and his JD degree from Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. He and his wife, Billie, have three adult children and four grandchildren.