Sonia E. Gardner is president, managing partner and co-founder of Avenue Capital Group, a global alternative investment manager with over $12 billion in assets under management as of a year ago, specializing in distressed debt investing. She is also a co-founder of Amroc, where she was senior portfolio manager responsible for investing the partners’ capital. At the firm, she was active in the review and trading of the debt of hundreds of bankruptcies. Prior to operating Amroc as an independent entity, Gardner was a senior managing director and general counsel of Amroc Investments, the predecessor firmassociated with the Robert Bass Group Inc. She also served as senior attorney of the bankruptcy and corporate reorganization department at Cowen & Co. She is a member of the board of trustees of Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York. Gardner received a B.A. with honors in philosophy from Clark University in 1983 and a J.D. from the Cardozo School of Law in 1986.