Business Positions
Eversource Energy
New England energy utility
Board Memberships
Massachusetts Competitive Partnership
Elite Boston CEO trade association
Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce
Pro-business advocacy organization
Tamarack Technologies
Massachusetts manufacturer of whole house fans and other innovative and energy efficient cooling and ventilation products.
Mass General
Leading hospital in Boston
Government Positions
Scott P Brown
US ambassador to New Zealand, former Republican US Senator from Massachusetts
Mitt Romney
U.S. senator from Utah, former Massachusetts governor
Chris Dodd
President & CEO of MPAA; former Democratic US Senator from CT
John McCain
US Senator and Representative from Arizona
Ben Nelson
former Nebraska US Senator, governor
Ed Markey
US Senator from Massachussets (2013-present); former US Rep from Massachusetts (1977-2013)
John Boehner
Republican US Representative from Ohio; majority leader
The Business Council
Business Advisory Council for the Department of Commerce since 1933