Dr. William W. Destler became president of Rochester Institute of Technology on July 1, 2007. He is the ninth president in the university's 178-year history. He was formerly senior vice president for academic affairs and provost of the University of Maryland at College Park. Dr. Destler serves on the American Council on Education's Commission on Effective Leadership and is a board member for the National Institute of Aerospace Foundation. He is a member of the board of directors for New York’s Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities. He also serves on community boards in Rochester: Rochester General Health System, Greater Rochester Enterprise, Rochester Business Alliance, Golisano Family Foundation and High Tech of Rochester, and Torvec Inc. Prior to RIT, Dr. Destler spent more than 30 years at the University of Maryland, rising from the ranks of research associate and assistant professor of electrical engineering to senior vice president and provost. At Maryland, he also served as electrical engineering department chair, dean of the A. James Clark School of Engineering, interim vice president for university advancement, vice president for research, and dean of the graduate school. Dr. Destler earned a bachelor’s degree from Stevens Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. from Cornell University. Both degrees were in the field of applied physics. Dr. Destler comes from a family of “humanists”—including his wife, Rebecca L. Johnson, who holds a Ph.D. in psychology, and his father, who was a historian, along with other family members who pursued math and the humanities. The couple has two grown sons. Dr. Destler is also one of the world’s foremost collectors of antique banjos. He has a Web site showcasing his hobby at www.billsbanjos.com. Bill and Rebecca also share an interest in biking, and alternative-powered vehicles and scooters.