Business Positions
Sidley Austin LLP
Sidley is a global law firm committed to providing excellent client service, fostering a culture of cooperation and mutual respect, and creating opportunities for lawyers of all backgrounds.
Board Memberships
National Chamber Litigation Center
Chamber of Commerce affiliate membership organization that advocates fair treatment of business in the courts and regulatory agencies.
Government Positions
US Department of Justice
Primary federal criminal investigation and enforcement agency
Max Baucus
former US Senator and Representative from Montana
Fred Upton
US Representative from Michigan (1987-present)
Every Republican is Crucial PAC
Affiliate: Eric Cantor (R-Va)
Michael Patrick Forbes
US Representative from New York
Barack Obama
44th President of the United States
Orrin Hatch
Late Former US Senator from Utah (1977-2019)
Michael F Doyle
US Representative from Pennsylvania (1995-2023); will not run in 2022.
Services & Transactions
Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association
Wall Street’s biggest lobbying group